Diary Contents
Message from Maria, December 2020:
In order to help maintain my privacy, I am afraid that Maria's Diary is no longer publicly accessible. Visitors who have previously been given a username and password will still be able to read my posts, but regrettably I am no longer responding to new requests for access.
For those of you who currently have access, if you want the diary to remain online then please do not share the login details or any of my content elsewhere.
09/10/05: From Timid Student To Dominant Wife - Part I
A short history of my relationship with my husband Martin - from when I first met him until I started writing this diary.
15/10/05: From Timid Student To Dominant Wife - Part II
The second part of the history of my relationship with Martin.
22/10/05: Maria The Loyal Wife (Well, Sort Of...)
I've been faithful in my marriage so far, but it's been close. Read about what I get up to at work and at parties.
29/10/05: The Object Of My Desire
Here I tell you about the man who's never far from my thoughts these days - the man who's made me want to cuckold my husband for real.
05/11/05: Breaking The News
Last night I told my husband that his greatest fantasy was going to become reality.
12/11/05: Planning My Affair
If Matt's going to become my lover, I need a situation where I can signal to him that I'm available.
19/11/05: The Girl Who Loves Cream
In this post I tell you more about what turns me on, and I describe one of my favourite ways of humiliating my husband.
26/11/05: Training Day
Here you get an idea of how I punished Martin for his recent moodiness.
03/12/05: A Green Light?
Last week I had a meeting with Matt. Was it wishful thinking, or did he give me an unmistakable signal?
10/12/05: The London Meeting
The big day arrives. Can we win the contract? More importantly though, can I win Matt?
22/12/05: A Night To Remember
After weeks of dreaming about it, I finally get to go out on a date with Matt. This is what happened.
06/01/06: A New Year, A New Life
Recently everything has gone better than I could ever have wished for. I'm hoping 2006 will be just as lucky for me.
18/01/06: Feedback & Requests
Here I respond to some of the correspondence I've received since I started my diary.
29/01/06: Do You Want To See My Diary?
A very special new reader is introduced to my diary.
05/02/06: Puss In Boots
I take a little trip out in public - with Matt.
12/02/06: The Symbolism Of Cuckoldry
A cuckold marriage is more than just the wife having an extra-marital affair.
19/02/06: Working Girl
Some more background on how I dress for my business meetings.
26/02/06: A Slut Is Born
This week you find out just how much of a whore I really am.
12/08/06: What, You Thought I'd Gone For Good?
Things are getting interesting, and I can't resist telling everyone. I'm back for a while...
24/08/06: Lights...Camera...Action! - Part I
Martin goes away for a week, and Matt and I make some videos. An unforgettable week.
07/09/06: Lights...Camera...Action! - Part II
More details about my week of video fun.
22/09/06: The Shoe Queen - Part I
Meet Robert, a business client with the capacity to surprise.
22/09/06: The Shoe Queen - Part II
I have a somewhat unusual business meeting.
06/10/06: Happy Anniversary
The pressure on Martin increases - as if he hasn't already suffered enough.
21/10/06: Whip Sister
No sooner am I back than I'm gone again. Not even I could have anticipated the reason why.
21/01/07: The Complete Seductress
I think I've now got all the skills I need, and I just require more men - slaves as well as lovers.
11/02/07: Business Slut
The key to retaining business clients is to keep them happy. Here's how I'm going about it.
13/02/07: The Last Post
And so it ends...
Special Post: From Work To Play, Part 1 - Alison
Some needed background on my dearest friend.
Special Post: From Work To Play, Part 2 - Breakthrough
Alison's scheming opens up a new world of opportunity.
Special Post: From Work To Play, Part 3 - Double Delight
I get introduced to a friend of a friend.
Special Post: From Work To Play, Part 4 - Whipping Boys
Lady luck deals me the perfect hand and enables me to become a true dominatrix.
25/03/08: A Living Fantasy
After an absence of over a year I'm back, but for how long? Hopefully long enough for you to learn how I've turned my life into a dream come true.
08/04/08: Just Another Day - Part I
Here I document a single day in my life to give you an idea of how I currently amuse myself.
23/04/08: Just Another Day - Part II
The fun continues as my first afternoon visitor arrives.
08/06/08: Feedback & Requests 2
Responses to some recent correspondence.
22/12/08: Publish And Be Damned?
Can I realistically maintain an online diary and simultaneously hope to lead a private, carefree lifestyle?
17/01/09: A Dish Served Cold - Part I
I get introduced to a new friend, Michael.
17/01/09: A Dish Served Cold - Part II
Life is full of surprises, and I had a major one last year when I visted Michael for some afternoon fun and games.
01/03/09: Winter Boots
The thrill of wearing front-laced thigh boots in public.
10/04/09: Hostess
Gerald brings my dreams to life in an unforgettable way.
31/01/11: London Whore
I'm back again, and currently I'm very much in demand.
03/06/11: The Dream Consultant
More of my extreme exhibitionist games.
23/07/11: Journey's End?
Why I'm posting so infrequently.
14/02/12: The Festive Season
A Valentine's Day update on my recent activities.
11/11/14: Stepford Slut - Part I
I welcome a special guest at home.
25/11/14: Stepford Slut - Part II
Some more background and detail on my summer visitor.
21/12/14: Stepford Slut - Part III
I get to indulge in some office role play.
19/03/17: Wank Doll
How my desire to arouse men has shaped my current lifestyle.
19/08/18: The Humiliated Husband, Part 1 - Early Torment
The first in a multi-part history of the methods I have developed to humiliate Martin.
07/12/20: The Humiliated Husband, Part 2 - She Wants More
The desire to humiliate Martin increasingly drives my actions.